Monday, February 16, 2009

Campus Meet is a Jesus Youth initiative to reach out among the campus students and an opportunity for students to encounter the Lord. Each Campus Meet is a venue of celebration where the youth from various campuses come together to experience and celebrate the true meaning of life. The program is designed to speak the message of love and life in the language of the today’s youth. Campus meets are organized in zonal/regional and national level. In Jesus Youth, Campus Meets were started in 1988 with 1500 participants. After that, more than 100 campus meets have happened in various parts of the country. In 1999, the first National campus meet was organized at Bangalore with over 1000 students from all over India.

The Campus Meets adopt a unique style of reaching out to Campus Youth in a way pleasing to them. Each campus meet has its own core theme, and rest of the content is developed based on the core theme. We always make sure that the theme, presentation style and speakers are relevant and attractive to the present youth.

The different pieces of which makes a Campus Meet include
  1. Holy Mass
  2. Praise and Worship
  3. Group activities
  4. Music, action songs
  5. Lively adorations
  6. Inspiring sessions
  7. Choreography, skits
  8. Personal sharing
  9. Panel Sharing
  10. Video presentations and short films of saints etc